Chapter 52: “You Play Like a Girl!” Cross-Gender Competition and Uneven Playing
idea of females competing at the same level as males is a controversial topic
according to the text. This chapter discusses two situations in which males
compete against females. One situation is and online game play situation. In
certain games, the sex of the avatar has nothing to do with the skills and
abilities, but it may illicit different responses from other gamers. A female
avatar that is acting coy or confused may receive more help than a male avatar.
This reflects the way a female may be treated when physically competing with a
male. One question that comes to mind is ‘should female be treated the same as
men?’ In many cultures, aggression towards females in socially unacceptable
therefore there is a moral dilemma of women competing with men. Some people
believe the females shouldn’t be subject to male contact sports. This thought
is confusing because when girls are competing with boys, it is often a choice
they are making, and they are not forced into it. Others believe that female
presence in male sports begins to question masculinity. Male characteristics
are often regarded as higher than females, and when they can be considered at
the same level are often insulted with words such as “gay”. When men compete
against women, when they win, it doesn’t feel as good because women are
perceived as weak, but if they are defeated, it is humiliating for the male.
This is considered emasculating males, and bringing them social harm. This also can put males off, if a female can
beat them. It is my personal belief that women and men should be measured on
their ability to perform, so it is fair. The other issue with women physically
competing is the idea of body image. There are two opposite thoughts, one being
women being physically fit to maintain a powerful self image, and the other
showing pressure to women to over obsess about their bodies. This is considered
achievement for females, along with beauty and thinness. When females compete
with other females with these things, the consequences could be social shunning
and harassment. When these ideas are related back to online game play, you can
see physical attributes disappear and females should be progressing the same
way males do, because the only difference is visual. There are a number of
things that can be done to assure fair treatment of females in online game play
as well, such as not attributing stereotypical ideas to female avatars, and
increasing the number of female players. Overall it is evident that there is
not fair treatment of males and females when it comes to competition involving
both genders. There are often stereotypes and moral ideas that influence the
way people are treated. It is hard to say what is considered fair and unfair
based on some arguments, but I think it comes down to personal belief and
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