Wednesday, February 11, 2015

YouTube, I Tube, We all tube: February 8th 2015

Luvs Diaper commercial vs. Huggies Diaper commercial:

I think that this is a very stereotypical diaper commercial. Is shows a mother preparing for an outing in the park with her baby, and then again after she has a second child. The content of the commercial isn't really relevant to this argument, it is the fact that it is a mother and her children. This is typical commercial for baby products, because the mother is often seen with her children. This is where the second video challenges it. It is a stereotypical gender role for a woman to be home with her children, and talking care of them. The second video breaks this gender role by showing fathers taking care of their children. I think that this is kind of a low blow to fathers because it implies that they will struggle with taking care of their babies for 5 days without their wives. The presumed gender role of men is to be at work during the day making money to support their families, and the presumed gender role of women is to be at home taking care of her children. The second commercial breaks this gender role because it shows how men can handle taking care of their children just as well as mothers can. An argument that can be used against men doing these things is not doing them the way their wives want them to. I think that can be valid in some cases, but showing that they can do it only proves that these gender roles are meant to be broken.

The target audience for both of these commercials are mothers. They are both advertising for products that would be useful to them, but also 'easy' enough to use that their husbands can do it. Again I think this is not giving fathers enough credit, but I think that is what the Huggies commercial is trying to show. I also think that they do a good job of reaching out to their target audience. They both make the products seem extremely usable and like every new parent uses them. It makes them marketable to moms, and hopefully dads too.

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