Friday, March 20, 2015

Christy Mack March 22nd 2015

The only word I can used to even begin to summarize the article about the attack on Christy Mack is brutal. Just brutal. I think a lot is to be said about any person that can do something like that to a person they once loved. From the way the article made it seem, this attack was really unexpected. We don't know the private details of the lives of Christy Mack and Jonathan Koppenhaver. So we really don't know what instigated the whole ordeal, but it is unbelievable to see the images of what Christy looked like post-attack. This type of thing calls into question the character of her MMA fighter ex-boyfriend Jonathan, and the relationship that they had. She says that he hit her previously, but obviously it was never to this magnitude. She feared for her life, and her body definitely showed the damage he caused. From an outsiders perspective, I question some things based on what little I know about these two people. Did he have expectations of her because of her profession? Was he this violent because of his own profession? What did he expect to gain from doing this to her? I think most of these are open ended questions because I don't foresee myself sitting down with either of them and asking these things. But I do think they are important things to be questioned.

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