Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 27th Makeup Blog - Modern Family vs. The Fosters

Two shows. Two families. Are these families representations of what families are like today?

In the show The Fosters, two women are parent figures to multiple children. Modern Family shows how three families are connected. A brother and sister, their father and step-mother, and their separate families. What these two shows have in common is the fact that they depict families that are different that what we may picture. A lesbian couple and their blended family composed of biological and foster children. A gay couple and their asian baby. A second marriage with a much younger women. These two shows are depicting families that are becoming more and more common. 

But are these families accurate representation of families today? I don't think they are that accurate. I think that these shows bring awareness to different types of families, but there is also an added sense of drama or comedy to the way these families live. I think that is where the misrepresentation comes in. 

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