I think that the idea of raising a baby gender-neutral is really progressive. Unfortunately, people don't feel the same way. Dr. Harold Koplewicz, who is a child psychiatrist in the US believes that this kind of upbringing can be detrimental to a child's development. I think the opposite. I think allowing children to explore everything that the world has to offer is important, rather than just forcing children into molds, that they may not fit it. Sasha's parents say that they don't want they child to conform to stereotypes. All children should be playing with dolls, and all children should be playing with legos. When I am a parent one day, I know that I would rather have my children playing with gender neutral toys, rather than conforming to given stereotypes. Children should be encouraged to express who they are in the way they feel most comfortable. I think it is important to note the difference between sex and gender. Sex is biological, where gender can reflect something different than sex. Children should not be forced into molds of what girls or boys should be like. This being said, I think raising a child gender neutral is a great idea in theory, but could be more difficult in practice. We see that most of the issues surrounding this idea come from the society in which the child is raised. People, outside of the child's family may not know how to react or treat a child that they don't know the gender of. This is just an effect of how that generation was raised. I think that gender neutrality is something that future generations should be working hard to move towards. Also, the way a child is raised is completely up to the parents. In Sasha and Storm's case, their parents made the decision to raise their child in this way because they feel that is what is best for their child. More power to them!
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